A survey conducted by the anti-piracy group NBT Envisional for NBC Universal stated 35.8% of all torrent downloading traffic was attributed to porn followed closely by movies at 32.5%.
According to XBIZ Research Spring 2012 guide, free porn sites are what are having the most influence on the adult industry and what you get to see or not see as the case may be.
These large sites can have literally millions of members or visitors who think they are bypassing the membership fee to adult studios by downloading clips or pictures, but at what cost?
You downloaded or clicked on the picture or clip and BAM you have just downloaded malware or spyware onto your computer and you probably never knew it.
You know the maxim “there is no such thing as a free lunch”. Well guess what, it really is true when it comes to these particular types of sites.
“What are you talking about it is free porn so it does not cost me a thing.”
Not so fast kiddo. There is a cost and it is bigger than you may realize.
COSTS TO FREE PORN - Meaning the cost to you.
1. Free sites have to make money
So how do you suppose they do that? They employ affiliate programs that unfortunately use blackhat methods, tracker programs etc. that either redirect you to pay sites or siphon off your personal information to sell to information brokers.
2. Slows your computer down

You know this is true because you are probably bitching right now about how slow your computer is running.
You may not be aware that when you click on these free sites that many are looking to invade your computer with their malware and access your information and you are letting them do it.
I hear your counter argument, “I keep my security anti-virus software constantly updated”. Well good for you however they can get in other ways from just the browser you are using right now.
Quotes from the site Technology Review about a Harvard based study on "Economics of Information Security" with reference to porn and security issues with these tube and torrent sites stated; "browsers were vulnerable to a known exploit in either Adobe Flash or handling of the Microsoft Office or Adobe PDF document types."
So guess what, if you have either Adobe Flash, Microsoft Office or Adobe PDF downloaded on your computer, and who doesn't, they got in!
And this goes for anything you downloaded from these "free" sites like movies, music, pictures, games etc.
You now have malware running in the background of your computer, worming its way around collecting all your information and sending it to heaven knows where and to heaven knows who.
So do you feel like disinfecting yourself and your computer right now? Well you should and I would recommend you do take your computer in and get the malware wiped off of it . And when you get it back from the tech leave the "free" tube and torrent sites alone when it comes to copyrighted material. Because like I said dear ones, there is no free lunch even on the internet.
3. Quality of porn goes down for everyone
Hollywood needs money to make quality movies, music artist need money to produce quality albums and porn studios need revenue to make quality porn videos. If you are looking for some inferior, lower than a snakes belly, poor quality video and malware installed on your computer I say go for the free sites. On the other hand if you want your sexual fantasy bank and head to be filled with high quality sex, beautiful models and have a porn collection actually worth bragging about then there is some cost.
Honestly the cost to these higher quality sites are really minimal when you get right down to it. With most subscriber sites less than $17.00 a month for a 6 month membership and some with $1.00 trial memberships. For crying out loud you pay more for soda or coffee drinks!
Less than $17.00 a month!
To have access to filling up your sexual fantasy bank, to stimulate your creative sexual brain, to see specimens of beautiful physical forms, to increase the spark in your love life with your partner, to just enjoying your own sexuality. If you can’t find that amount in your change drawer or the floor of your car you are doing something wrong folks.
And besides which is better and more long lasting, great sexual fantasies to enjoy your love life with or a.............. "Big Gulp”?
Yes I said it I know a gratuitous pun. I could not stop my fingers before that one got out but back to serious business here.
I for one, want my online adult entertainment to make me feel better after viewing, not like I have to sanitize my keyboard afterwards. I like to fill the sensual databank in my head with beautiful bodies, beautiful scenery, enjoying the intimate pleasures of human sexuality. And I am willing to shell out the meager amount the quality adult studios are asking for in order for me to have that experience.
So please, the next time you are tempted to go to these so-called free porn sites and infect your computer with malware realize you are diminishing the porn experience for all of us by taking away the income these studios and models need to produce a quality product that they work so hard to bring us.
So how did we get to this point with all these free tube and porn torrent sites?
How does the industry stop all this porn piracy?
And are adult studios resulting to more extreme scenes to counteract the loss of revenue?
These and other articles coming soon so stay tuned my little ones.
The pay sites are just as much to blame. Xtube is heavily ad supported from most of the studios. What would happen if they quit sponsoring their ads on these tube sites.
ReplyDeleteYou have brought up an extremely salient point here and I am glad you commented.
DeleteMany studios have taken a “if you cannot beat them join them” approach to tube & torrent sites. Meaning if they are going to pirate their work or redirect consumers they might as well set up an affiliate system with the owners of these huge sites so when you click on the “free clips” or ads you are sent through that studios affiliate link to their site and the FREE site owner gets a percentage every time you do that.
Then there are the “black hat” folks of these affiliate programs who work in the reverse offering a percentage to the producers of the video content by directing people to their sites. However the term “black hat” comes in because they rarely give the porn producer there fairly earned share and lets face it the producers are not going to get the courts to force the free sites to pay up.
Then there is the piracy issue that these sites will just steal the content from the producers anyway. Now some of the big studios have gone after them to sue the free sites but as you know our system of laws are reactionary. Meaning we only make laws to stop a wrong long after it has been committed especially with regards to the internet. They are just now addressing the issues with the big site Pirate Bay.
So what are the studios to do?
Most companies do not advertise on tube sites to obtain new customers- this would be a horrible strategy. Why would someone already getting free milk go somewhere else to buy it? Sure, there is a very small turnover that exists but not one that is justified in the cost of the advertising. The main reason for "advertising" on free sites is for studios to protect their own content from continuously appearing on the free site itself. It's a payoff for protection...sounds like an episode of the Sopranos for geeks - but it is sadly true.
ReplyDeleteIf you expect people to shell out their hard-earned money for something, you have to put out a product worth paying for. If more customers are stealing your product than paying for it, the marketplace is speaking, you're just not listening.
ReplyDeleteIt really do look tempting when it says HD quality videos. Just have to be more careful.
ReplyDeletevideos pornos