
     The following are a list of organizations, programs, blogs etc. that can provide resource information about bridging the gap and creating an understanding between the straight and LGBT worlds.
LGBT & LGBT Friendly organizations
Gay Straight Alliance Network - California based, includes directory and guide for starting a school program and anti-bullying anywhere
GLAAD - Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation
GLSEN - Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network
It Gets Better - Hope for young LGBT kids facing harassment
PFLAG - Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians & Gays
Straight For Equality - program for straight people from PFLAG

I know there must be many, many more national & worldwide resource organizations. 
 If you know of one please share it with us.

Sex Workers Rights organizations

Bound Not Gagged - Sex workers rights blog

Sex Workers Project - U.S. based provides legal services and legal training, and engages in documentation and policy advocacy, for sex workers.

Spread Magazine - U.S. based for people in the sex industry and those who support their rights.

I know there must be many, many more national & worldwide resource organizations. 
 If you know of one please share it with us.